Our Love Story
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share the story about how I met Wyatt. Yes, I really was that awkward. No, I’m not exaggerating.
When I decided to go to Iowa State, I was very at peace with my decision because knew that was where God wanted me to be. I didn’t know what would come of that, but it didn’t take long to find out. On my first day at Iowa State, I walked into my English 302 class and noticed a guy sitting in the corner that looked like a livestock kid. You know the type, Richardson 220 hat pulled way down over his eye, an old t-shirt from a show, and most importantly, really really crabby looking. I immediately knew he needed a friend.
During class, we had the opportunity to get to know our table partners and introduce them to the class. I hadn’t sat by the crabby livestock kid, but I at least got to listen to his partner introduce him. He said, “This is Wyatt Johnson, and he transferred from Lincoln Land Community College.” As soon as he said this, I knew exactly who this guy was, and I knew we would soon be spending a lot of time together on Iowa State’s livestock judging team.
The last thing we did for class that day was individual writing where we were able to leave whenever we finished. I raced through my writing so I could be the first person out of the room, unfortunately, so did Wyatt (because of course I was watching out of the corner of my eye to see when he got done). I raced out behind him and caught up with him so I could introduce myself.
“Wyatt? Hey! I’m Sawyer, I’ll be on your livestock judging team later this fall!” Honestly, I don’t think he said more than 3 words the whole time we talked. I did, however, get him to crack a smile by telling him about my traumatic experience of riding my bike over 2 miles to class, and getting lost trying to find where I was supposed to go.
After firmly convincing him I was crazy, we went our separate ways for the day. When I got to my apartment, my friend Taylor and I went down to the pool because it was such a nice day. **Side note, Taylor has been with her now fiancé for over 6 years, and thus had no idea how to start talking to a guy. We both decided that Instagram Messages was an appropriate way to talk to potential guy friends (Wyatt will tell you he was completely convinced I was a weirdo). We talked for about 40 minutes on Instagram before he informed me that he did in fact have me on Snapchat, and to my surprise, when I told him to Snapchat me, he actually did! ANDDD, we continued talking for the whole day!
Later that night, like late like ten o’clock, I got a Snapchat from a girl who was also going to be on the judging team with me. She asked me to come to a party by her house. At this point, I was in bed with my pajamas on, and I had no intention of going. But then, I got a Snapchat from Wyatt and I saw that he was there….. I got up got dressed and headed that way.
When I got there, Wyatt was busy talking to his friends, and I was introduced to all of them. After standing there for about 5 minutes and realizing no one was going to talk to me, no, not even Wyatt, I ventured out to find someone else to talk to. I found a friend of a friend and proceeded to talk to him for a while before I was ready to go home and go to bed.
When I got home, I noticed Wyatt had snap-chatted me. He apologized for not talking to me and said he was just too shy to say anything. At that moment, I decided I guess I could keep talking to this guy even though he ignored me that night.
A couple of days later, Wyatt came over to my apartment to do homework. As my roommates awkwardly left the apartment, Wyatt and I took our places at opposite ends of the island. We sat exactly one chair away from each other until my roommates returned 2 hours later to find us still sitting in the same place.
When we finally moved from our prospective places at the island, we finally took the time to start to get to know each other. It was that night that I knew this guy would be an important part of my life. And throughout the next few weeks, I really learned just how important.
Since then, a lot has changed. Wyatt and my relationship has a lot to do with my testimony, how I grew my relationship with the Lord, and how we grew together as a couple, and continue to learn how to put God first in our relationship. One day, I’ll get more into that, but for now, enjoy reading about our awkward first meeting, and some of the first steps in our relationship.